Heads: Prof. Dr. Nina Janich, Prof. Dr. Nico Blüthgen, Prof. Dr. Alfred Nordmann, Prof. Dr. Markus Lederer —
The BioDivKultur project is funded within the framework of the FEdA “BMBF Research Initiative on Biodiversity Conservation” on the topic of valuing and safeguarding biodiversity in politics, business and society.
Species-rich grasslands (meadows and pastures) are known to provide habitat for many insects. However, there are also habitats in parks, green strips (field margins, roadside verges), and commercial green spaces that are similar to grasslands and can or could provide suitable habitats for a large number of insect species.
In this context, those who own, manage, and/or maintain such areas face a variety of design decisions, ranging from the fundamental question of what open green space should remain (in addition to structuring it with trees, shrubs/hedges, water, flower beds, dead wood, etc.) to options for shaping the green space itself (e.g., through vegetation and mowing). These decisions are made against the background of different value attitudes towards nature, different use interests (e.g. recreation, aesthetics, safety, agricultural yield, securing ecosystem services) and pragmatic framework conditions (e.g. costs and time required for maintenance).